Samsung Galaxy Note 20 5G Vs. Note 20 Ultra 5G... For easier decision when you would like to chose between those two devices, please review the table below for a comparison between of them: (anything not exist here it means that both devices have it) I think, with only 300$ price deffirance only between those... Continue Reading →
Samsung DeX wireless !
Samsung DeX... This is called "Innovation" Now you can be more proactive, and free to move/play/work using Samsung DeX wirelessly through Galaxy Note 20 Ultra. I am sure that Samsung will soon add this feature to other older phones, but you have to wait sometime to be available. All the Samsung DeX features will be... Continue Reading →
Galaxy Note20|Note20 Ultra specs
Samsung Galaxy Note 20|Note 20 Ultra... Specifications are important when you decided to buy a Phone. Attached screenshot is for the network specs related to the new Samsung Galaxy devices Note20 and Note20 Ultra... Wandering if they work on your region or not! The carrier connections varying between different regions... So you can share this... Continue Reading →
Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G
Out of stock
Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G pre-order out of stock... Out of Stock after 30 minutes from publishing it 🤣 What a device... Unbelievable... Please wait a little, I want to pre-order